Run for the CHAT Board in 2025

The Council on Heritage and the Anthropology of Tourism (CHAT) is seeking to fill three board positions. We encourage you to apply to serve on the inaugural board of this brand-new section. Becoming a board member of CHAT allows you to participate in the largest network of tourism and heritage scholars in North America, influence important section decisions, and represent the diverse voices of our field. Terms of service are three years (2026-2029).

CHAT is soliciting nominations for the following positions:

Secretary: The Secretary shall have general charge of the minutes, transactions, and other reports of the CHAT. The Secretary will organize, plan, and coordinate both the Nelson Graburn and Ed Bruner book prizes, along with the Kathleen Adams Student Paper prize. The prizes are awarded at the CHAT Annual Business Meeting. The secretary will also be in charge of CHAT’s column in Anthropology News.

Member at Large – Tourism seat: The Member at Large- Tourism seat shall be responsible for advising the board about the distinct needs and interests of members engaged in critical tourism studies.

Student Member at Large: The student representative shall be responsible for advising the Board about the needs and interests of student members irrespective of their topical focus, as well as means for involving students in Section activities.

*At-large seats are intended to balance CHAT’s dual thematic focus and to ensure adequate representation among different levels of membership.


Nominees should:

  • Be in good standing with the AAA
  • Be members of CHAT
  • Plan to attend the AAA annual meetings
  • Have an academic background or career focus on heritage and/or tourism

We strongly encourage you to self-nominate!

Self-nominations (or nominations of someone else) must be submitted to the by February 21, and follow their standard election procedures. This includes:

  • Soliciting a letter of support from a AAA member if this is a self-nomination
  • Statement of Qualifications and Personal Commitment that reflects your interest in serving in the position, your vision for the position, and any other information that you feel you want voters to know.
  • 1-page CV that focuses on your education, past and present leadership positions, relevant work, and 1-2 selected publications relevant to CHAT.