The 2019 ATIG book prizes were officially awarded in November during the ATIG business meeting at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association in Vancouver, British Columbia.
The Nelson Graburn Prize is awarded for an author’s first book in the anthropology of tourism. The Edward Bruner Prize is awarded for an author’s second or subsequent book. The 2019 winners were:
Nelson Graburn Book Prize
- Pursuit of Happiness: Black Women, Diasporic Dreams, and the Politics of Emotional Transnationalism, by Bianca C. Williams. Duke University Press. 2018.

- Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya, by George Paul Meiu. University of Chicago Press. 2017.

Edward Bruner Book Award
- Far Out: Countercultural Seekers and the Tourist Encounter in Nepal, by Mark Liechty. University of Chicago Press. 2017.

- Dream Trippers: Global Daoism and the Predicament of Modern Spirituality, by David A. Palmer and Elijah Siegler. University of Chicago Press. 2017.

The members of the ATIG Board wish to extend their thanks to the book prize committee and to all those who submitted nominations for the 2019 competition. We look forward to surveying the frontiers of the field with you again this year!